US Cultural Hegemony and Negotiation / US vs Human Rights: Rhetoric and Reality

US Cultural Hegemony and Negotiation / US vs Human Rights: Rhetoric and Reality

For years many of those Iranian citizens who were not familiar to politics, believed the Republicans are more dangerous than democrats but as recently Dr. Foad Izadi, the professor of American Studies of Tehran university pointed out in a TV interview that because of the verbal aggressively of neo-cons within the US as well as in the eyes of the so-called international community, that is more practical for democrats to convince both Americans and US allies in order to have an international consensus against Iran.

For years many of those Iranian citizens who were not familiar to politics, believed the Republicans are more dangerous than democrats but as recently Dr. Foad Izadi, the professor of American Studies of Tehran university pointed out in a TV interview that because of the verbal aggressively of neo-cons within the US as well as in the eyes of the so-called international community, that is more practical for democrats to convince both Americans and US allies in order to have an international consensus against Iran.

How would you feel if you give big hugs to George W. Bush War Criminal ?!

So actually that is true that democrats are nicer and well familiar with the diplomatic language and they are professional champions of manipulation in order to achieve their goals, but the republicans just seem to be dangerous in appearance and the hidden reality is those democrats are villainous (naughty) enough to cover their nature.

But as Iran’s Supreme Leader has always said; the goal of both parties regarding Iran is the same and only their methodologies are various. By reviewing the US government policies toward Iranian nation since 1979 Islamic Revolution, we can easily get that the behavior of all American administrations were hostile regarding Persians.

From the beginning of regime change in Iran and establishing the governmental structure of Islamic Republic of Iran, the US accompanying his allies tried and still is doing all possible actions in order to destroy the Iranian state as they believe that this revolution was before all an ideological invasion to American hegemony generally across the globe and particularly in the region.

So after 8 years of imposed war on Iran, through the crazy and Dictator Saddam Hussein, the US politicians attempted to kneel Iran by adding the economic sanctions one after other. This economico-financial isolation made Iran’s economy more autonomous and powerful and actually many economists and financial experts consider these sanctions as the source of industrial, economic, military and scientific progress of Iranian since 1979. That is normal once under embargos and pressure you’re sometimes in need of the basic and necessary requirements you will be forced to create and invent. So we can look at the industrial creativity and the invention on aforementioned domains, as the direct results of embargos if the sanctioned nation is fundamentally COURAGEOUS.

Even if some US so-called politicians speak out on possibility of invading Iran, the American strategic think-tanks and military experts know very well that is not practical and will never be possible to win such a very-probable war with Iran.

Actually their real problem with Iran is the independent nature of Iranian government as in the beginning of Islamic Republic in 80s it was very difficult for US to accept that such a rich country located in such an important region will no more obey the imperials power and will not behave as other poppets of USA in South West Asia. So all the different claims including Nuclear Weapon, Violation of Human Rights, Supporting Terrorism etc. are only and only the justifications as US can’t publicly say “what we want is DESTROYING IRANIAN REGIME” which damaged the interests of US Empire since his birth.

Even if we open each one of those cases we see that US supports the oligarchic regimes in the region which not even have a constitution and in which the women don’t have the elementary rights such as driving or going out alone, the writers and poems are in prisons and nobody has the right to criticize the government etc. and no honest observer can deny the permanent violation of Human Rights in petro monarchic states. While in Iran 60% of students in Iranian universities are the girls, the women achieved multiple positions in different social strata and they are managers, teachers, professors, parliamentarian, polices, musicians, film directors, actress etc. the majority of Iranian daily newspapers criticize the state’s policies and so on. But the questionable point is that these oppressive regimes as Bahrain and Saudi Arabia; the world’s greatest founder and supporter of Wahhabism and terrorist fundamentalist groups, have never been worried or questioned by US on Human Rights or Terrorism. So according to US standard one year of killing the innocent Yemeni children and women by Saudi Arabia is very human and even if this oligarchic state never had an honest election, it’fine but Iran which did not attack any other nation since centuries and during the past 37 years had approximatively one election by year and average percentage of people participation in each election is 65%, violates human rights!
Rising-malnutrition-in-yemen-Because-of -the-Terrorist-Saudi-Arabi

Take the example of DAESH, If you look to another version than official history you can easily watch how during the past 5 years the financial, military and political support of US and its allies of those evils led and still is leading to murder of hundred thousand in Syria while Iraq and according to US definition of Human Rights, it’s all cool and does not cause any problem as they achieve the American benefits.

When the Islamic revolution in Iran took place in 1979, Grand Ayatollah Imam Khomeini, peace be upon him, has declared than in any battle around the world we will be in the side of oppressed people and fight the oppressors wherever and whatever their religion, beliefs, nationality or culture. So as we were and still are supporting the Sunni and Shia Muslims in Myanmar, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Pakistan, India, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, or Christians, Jews and Izadis in Syria, by the same principals, we support the oppressed people even if they’re living in any western societies or US as today is the case for Afro-Americans.

Concerning US foreign human rights let’s forget the genocidal history of US since his creation after they owned the lands of native Americans and killed more than 110 million of them. Let’s forget the unique use of Atomic Bombs in Hiroshimaand Nagazaki and take a look at US comtempory genocidal records which I call: “US vs Human Rights: Rhetoric and Reality”. Coming back to 2001 invasion of Afghanistan and 2003 invasion of Iraq by US, some millions died! In all of what happened and still is happening in Libya, Yemen, Lebanon, Turkey, the color revolutions in East of Europe in which Zionist George Soros played a main role, the drone attacks in Sudan and Pakistan, more than 60 years of massacre, torture and assassinations of Palestinians by Israel and etc. everywhere you can see the dirty hands of US government.

In other hand looking to the US domestic human rights, a very brief review of US police atrocities toward Afro-Americans proves US has no lesson to teach on Human Rights nor internally either internationally.

Therefore let’s take a look to US-Iran relationship: as US failed on both economic and military options to fight Iran, they recently have passed through TWO final steps which are cultural invasion and negotiations!

For years Americans tried to impose its cultural model to all nations and change their life-style therefore Hollywood as a practical cultural weapon plays the main role on that. Is not only Iran which is concerned by the aggressiveness of the US Cultural Hegemony but even when you look at European societies as France or Germany you readily observe its destructive effects. Some of American and European friends of mine once they traveled to Iran, told me “Tehran is the mostAmericanized city in the world”. When we look at the youth situation in China and India we can watch how those two great cultures and civilizations have been the target of US dominant cultural invasion. There are also the nations whose culture has been partially damaged or even completely destroyed by this very dangerous softwar.

Remember the one who can control you intellectually is more dangerous than the one who can control you politically. They can even give you a kind of POLITICAL independence and keep your mind colonized by their mental invasion as that is the case in many colonized countries including North African societies as France is always powerful in cultural colonization.

And once they could psychologically change the mind of people, the nature of their governments will quickly and automatically self-destroy.

But regarding the negotiation in general and JCPOA in particular, if we check out the US negotiations with non-allied and even allied countries across the world, we realize when they could not succeed by all direct and indirect meanings, they negotiate in order toINFILTRATE themselves or their agents in the governmental structure of the enemy!

That is why from the starting steps of Iran-P3+3 nuclear talk, Iran’s Supreme Leader warned many times on various occasion about the danger of “INFILTRATION” after a supposed nuclear deal.

While we have the experience of different cases of infiltrating US spies not only in Iran, but in other countries, under cover of trade and economic relationship between US and those states.


trump-bragged-lied-bullied-clinton-stole-best-green-party-lineSome Iranian analyzers as Seyed Hossein Mousavian, former Iranian nuclear negotiator and visiting research scholar at Princeton University, believe whoever Trump or Clinton be the US president, any of them will implement the JCPOA.

“Concerning Trump and Clinton, there are tree common points and also tree view differences on Iran:

First of all, both of them will apply the strict policies regarding implementation of JCPOA. Secondly with respect to other disagreements between Iran and US including region crisis, terrorism and Human Rights, whoever the US president, he will increase pressure on Iran. And thirdly both of them will try to fill the vacuums of US relationships with Israel, Saudi Arabia and other regional allies which have been born during Obama administration.

But regarding the tree main differences: Trump is not predictable but Clinton is, that is probable that Trump conceding Iran, will get into excess and negligence, but Clinton will have a calculated strategy. Secondly it will be easier for Clinton to make possible an International consensus against Iran, while this will be much more difficult for Trump. And thirdly having an internal consensus against Iran within the US will also be easier for Clinton than Trump”

Said Seyed Hossein Mousavian in an interview with NasimOnline.

We have to mention Mousavian is known within Iran as one of those so-called reformists who were deeply optimistic regarding JCPOA and now they changed their mind.

The main point of Trump phenomena is the fact that he revitalizes the American Dream the nostalgia of America under President Jackson and Ronald Reagan

The very interesting point is a lot of Americans will vote for Trump, because he is absolutely not a politician. Trump let the public to deeply feel a very nostalgic feeling by reminding the slogans of President Jackson and Ronald Reagan.

By the way in appearance the simplicity of his name which is like a warning alarm and also his haircut adding to his verbal aggressiveness during his lectures made Trump a representative of an uninhibited America and as a populist and billionaire we can’t deny he is once again a perfect incarnation of American Dream!

Trump is saying we have to put an end with those PROFESSIONAL ON POLITICS

“I don’t use anybody’s money, I’m using my own money; I’m not using the lobbyists, I’m not using donors, I don’t care, I’m really RICHE”

“I will be the greatest Job’s president that God ever created, I tell you that”

“I think the big problem of his country (US) is being politically correct”


Trump vs Reagan

We can’t forget “Make America Great Again” was a slogan of 1981 Reagan presidential campaign. So the populism is a common characteristic between Reagan and Trump. As well as Reagan, Trump has been very well formed in communications as a negotiator and businessman. But the difference is Reagan was a real believer on conservatism and was mastering and respecting the conservative principals. Before being a president Reagan has been elected as governor of California for 8 years but what about Trump who never served in politics?

Trump is not a rightist populist in the strict sense. Even on socio- economical topics we can’t consider Trump as a rightist conservative who believes on social liberalism as it took place in late 70s.

What is amazing with Trump is an optimistic projection into the future and a nostalgic view to America in 50s. His hairdressing too is the same of the rockers in 50s.

But when Trump contrary to Reagan, would like to rise the tax for the rich people or to relocate the production (as for example he demanded that Appel manufactures its phones within the US), he is much more leftist than the Democrats

Trump vs Jackson

We all know president Jackson himself was known inside of US as an autonomous leader who rarely obeyed the establishment’s will particularly by vetoing some important acts of congress including the acts related to Bank and especially Jackson’s veto of the Second National Bank renewal charter in 1832.

Therefore as Jackson, Trump believes or pretends that he thinks national economy should control the Bank and not vice versa.

At remarkable event of his life, in 1806, Jackson killed a man in a duel over a matter of honor regarding his wife Rachel. Trump also insist on familial honor and as we see in each one of his speeches there is one of this sons, daughters or his wife who appear in order to show how important the family notion.

Jackson became a national hero for his actions during 1812 war 12 with UK, while nowadays Trump permanently speaks out on Nationalism and became a patriotic figure of his fans. As Jackson, Trump also would like to change the laws in order to give more executive power to President.

A main difference between Jackson and Trump is that Jackson somehow led a fight against the corruption within establishment but it seems after working years with US banks and governmental financial concept, Trump Organization itself has been corrupted.

US under President Jackson in 1835 for the first time had no foreign debt and as we listen to Trump we detect that decreasing the foreign debt is among his promises.

Indeed by trying to look like President Jackson (1823 – 1825), Trump claims that he wants to disarm the establishment and take the power back from the elites who betrayed the people by let them running the government. And that is exactly what lot of Americans believes: the political representatives do no more represent them!

Donald is somehow a pure result of the American Jacksonian Democracy. The fact that he finance his own electoral campaign is another fact which is new to US political classes.

When he behaves as a normal and sometimes an ignorant American citizen, makes him close and closer to public. An average American appreciates when he tweets:

“The plane I saw on television was the hostage plane in Geneva, Switzerland, not the plane carrying $400 million in cash going to Iran!”

Or when he takes Paris as capital of Germany deliberately or not they people appreciate it.

Once he tweets:

“The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.”

Even if his fans know that is not true but they appreciate it only because that is against the OFFICIAL VERSION.

By behaving so he want to show how authentic he is and that is what Americans are looking for. Actually they prefer an original citizen to a fake politician. The people are happy that this kind of speeches are given by Trump, the words that no other political figure don’t dare to say.

He is not politically correct and does not try to be! He is a human-being, he makes mistakes and he does not claim to be a professional politician or diplomate which is not the case. For many Americans who got tired of political figures having nice appearance and dirty action, Trump is the person they look to vote for!

Doland Himself knows well that he sympathizes with people when he is politically wrong! And sometimes he don’t only try to act as an American but he intentionally makes mistake or says something in order to attract the attentions or provoke.

Actually some analysts believe that his vulgarity is calculated and is a part of his electoral strategy and when he want to monitor himself he is totally correct. But he has many tasks to accomplish in order to be a president as until now he made lot of progress

But for those commentators the problem is not Donald Trump but the system which gives such a power to an individual while we all know what George Bush Jr. did in Iraq in the name of fighting the WMD. How a person like him with help of a group of individuals around him, could do that?

But we have to consider than populism in Europe is not the same that what is happening and happened for years in US regarding populism. Within Europe the populism is out of political atmosphere but in US it’s an internal issue for both Republicans and Democrats.

If Clinton be the president, for the first time since WWII we have 3 successive democrat administrations. The Republican during these years had different crisis including ideological crisis and the problem of leadership! And that was a historic occasion for an opportunist like trump to impose himself on Republicans.

So Trump actually does not represents the true US rightist conservatism (Christian conservative) as for example he has never said he is against the same-sex marriage or abortion. He does not even take positions on the mentioned issues. He has mentally been educated in newyorker business progressive environments. Being said that there could be some real change within the Republican Party which has nothing to do with the US Republican in 70s and 80s and is much more in contradiction with paleoconservatism.

A year ago the Republican leaders were thinking they have enough figures to introduce in elections. But that was an imagination.

Obama had the majority of congress only for two years during which he succeeded only on Obamacare but comparing with other American presidents and when in one hand Obama has been well elected and even better reelected and in other he was popular in eyes of public opinion as well as in media’s opinion, Obamacare is not a big success for such a president.

Other point is many of what Trump claim sto do once he is elected will be prevented by establishment to be done. The promises including: putting a wall, closing border, preventing Muslims from entering to US, forcing Mexico to pay etc. will actually not be realized based on how the establishment functions.

And by the war Trump has never explained with details how he will realize these goals as himself he may know the system’s mechanism will not allow him to accomplish these missions!

In France also as in US the establishment (Mainstream Media and Political system), from the beginning, refuses the debate with this kind of political phenomena and try to push them out of field. That is the same machinery when the system contemptuously call this type of figure fascist. But in reality the reaction of all those anti-Trump is counter-productive as they can’t argue otherwise.

But as all populists, Trump also plays on fear of American people. For recent years we can’t reject that there is a manufactured fear of Islam and Muslims within the US and across the Europe. Adding to that the matter of non-Muslim immigration (mostly Mexicans) is another matter which scares Americans and Trump does not stop to talk about it.According to polls his popularity has increased 10% once he said we will fire up the Muslims.

And my word to those who speak out about Political Moral within US: we are talking about American Establishment, Of course there is no possible comparison for example between Iran’s Supreme Leader and those bullshits! Even inside Iran we really don’t have any other political figure at this level of intellectual honesty and morality.

Anyhow in comparison with other puppets such as Obama, Bush, Clinton, Reagan, etc. I personally like this guy and feel he will be the most honest president that AMERICA never had. He actually shows to the worldwide what the so-called previous US leader were covering! So together let “Make American Great Again”

To be more comic I like Trump just to change a little bit the US atmosphere, image 4 years of laughs :)))) it will be wonderfully amazing lol.

Trump actually represents a slice of US which is more and more minority and acknowledges that. If you remind in 90s we have some anti-Clinton reactions too and now Trump is the deputy of anti-Obama reactions; a side of America who knows that it’s dying, an America which is nostalgic toward 50s, an America which is Christian, an America which is white, an America less educated and less graduated, an America of workers under economic crisis.